Emersons Green
We are...
We are a suburban estate on the northern fringe of Bristol UK, particularly fortunate because the developers left our original lanes, woodland and hedging intact. Our park also has a wildside, where we have established a community orchard, with an ancient drove road, now full of mature oak and ash. We share the space with foxes, badgers and, even otters, at times. Our community group, known as Friends of Emersons Green Park, has been pioneering festivals celebrating our relationship with the Earth on a neighbourhood scale. We have a good, supportive relationship with our local authorities. Our last festival was on June 18th 2022 and went down very well with the community despite suffering from rain.
We will...
We are working on a programme of events through the year and are building a portfolio of nature spaces. This year we built a willow dome and a new wildlife garden in the park which have proved enormously attractive. We have taken advice from a local ecologist about our Drove Road and will be implementing a set of small actions there to enrich its wildlife. We are also working with our town council on a local nature action plan which is mapping places of nature interest and wildlife corridors in our community with a view to maintaining and enriching their biodiversity.
Find out more...
We have a Facebook group with several hundred members at https://www.facebook.com/groups/friendsofemersonsgreenpark and a blogsite which stretches back to the formation of the group at https://friendsofemersonsgreenpark.wordpress.com/
We are...
The ward of Knowle is located in the south east of Bristol and has 10,000 residents and is a diverse neighbourhood because at the centre is Redcatch Park which is adjacent to the more prosperous private Victorian and 1930’s privately owned housing and a more modern 1950’s council estate . Over the last twenty years the Friends of Redcatch Park have worked hard to improve the Park facilities and it attracts visitors from the whole neighbourhood . Redcatch Community Garden is on the site of the old unused and unloved bowling green in Redcatch Park.
We will...
We will hold our 1st Neighbourhood Festival For The Earth in Spring 2023. The programme will be a mixture of events to attract all ages and groups. We plan to run craft, art and spoken word workshops, Happymess for kids, talks, films, nature trails, performance and music all relating to Mother Earth
Find out more...
Website - https://www.redcatchcommunitygarden.com Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/redcatchcommunitygarden
Saint Andrews
We are...
We are a small town in Eastern Canada, with a population of 1800, but we punch much above our weight. We are a resort town with many amenities and many people who are engaged in the community. We already host several annual Festivals, including those celebrating paddling, food, music, art, sculpture and the oceans. Our community boasts several acclaimed organizations supporting the arts, ocean research, botanical gardens, nature conservation and youth education.
We will...
Our first annual EARTHFest was a resounding success! We are a town of 2000 people, and approximately 200 of them joined us for the event. Mother Earth intervened with a hurricane on the intended date so we pushed it ahead a week. We had arranged for our primary school students and middle school students to participate during the day, and they arrived like clockwork, 30 at a time, for intervals of 45 minutes. Their time was divided between seed and mushroom workshops, discussions on eco-systems and biodiversity, a planet-based song, and an Earth Promise. They left feeling closer to the Earth and promising to protect it. In the evening, we had invited adults to join us. We began with a fascinating overview of the Wheel of the Year and the respective celebrations, then moved on to a drumming and rattling circle, based on the Indigenous peoples ceremonies. Following that, we regaled everyone with an Earth-based poetry slam, with 3 local poets performing their poetry to the encouragement of the audience. Things then got a little quieter with an Earth based guided meditation done in a large circle, followed by the Earth Promise made by all participants. Feedback was very positive, from both the schools and the adults. We plan to make it an annual event, building on what we established this year.
Find out more...
contact canadamuriel@hotmail.com